New from Rod Parsley - GONE: One Man... One Tomb... One Sunday...
Return to “More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God, willingly stepped forward to champion the cause of captives by His death on the cross. While untold millions had stepped across the threshold of death into an eternal prison, not even one soul had ever found a way out ... until that glorious Easter morning, when the enemy discovered: The Hero was not in His barren cell. The Champion of the ages was ... GONE.”

– Dr. Rod Parsley in Gone: One Man ... One Tomb ... One Sunday

I want to send you a personally autographed copy of this brand-new, landmark book GONE – the exclusive Signed Hardback Edition, which is not available in any store or any other web site.  It can be yours as you sow your very best Resurrection Seed Offering into the soul-winning, worldwide ministry of Breakthrough, right now in God’s Jubilee Year.

Over 30 years ago, God spoke this word to me – undeniably – in this resurrection season: “Instruct the people, this one time every year, to commemorate... to celebrate... how I – God – gave my very best... my Son, for you and for them on Calvary, by giving their very best!”

That first year, God said “All year long, you give 10% and live on 90%... This year, see what I can do when you give the whole” – one week’s increase – as a Resurrection Seed offering.

Every year since then, as we come together in response to this Word from God to bring praise, honor, and glory to Him who gave the Ultimate Resurrection Seed for us... the Lord Jesus Christ... by giving our very best Resurrection Seed offering, miracles abound!

Some continue today, to sow one week’s income.  Some sow one day’s income.  But everyone sows their very best.

As you sow $50 or more, I’ll also send you my brand-new message series Jubilee Yod Vav 2016: The Miracle of Resurrection: two messages on audio CD. When you sow $116 or more, I’ll add BOTH of these messages on DVD, plus a USB thumb drive for your computer.

This is it! It’s time for you to experience the incredible POWER of the Resurrection ... not in “theory” ... but personally! Practically! Supernaturally! Request the EXCLUSIVE Signed Hardback Edition of my new book, GONE: One Man ... One Tomb ... One Sunday, today!
Yes, Pastor Parsley!

My Best Love Gift: $        

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