Genesis 1:14 declares,
“And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the vault of the sky
to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times,
and days and years…’”
For everything the Lord God has made, He has a purpose and a plan – and I believe He designed
that plan to bless you! What did
this eclipse mean?
These incredible prophetic sign that played out right before our eyes on April 8 includes the
prominence of God’s number of perfection, “7,” which signals completion
divine purpose:
- 7 cities called “Salem” were in the path of the last eclipse in
2017 (“Salem” is derived from the Hebrew word shalom, meaning “peace”)
- 7 cities called Nineveh were touched by the eclipse on Monday April 8!
- All 7 planets, excluding Earth itself, were overhead in the darkened
night-like sky during the eclipse – in nearly perfect alignment!
- 7 years have passed between the two eclipses
- These incredible indications and more came on April 8!
Did the 2017 eclipse with its 7 Salems indicate God’s offer of peace to our troubled
nation… and because we didn’t respond with repentance, are we now facing judgment?
The prominence of the 7s, and the cities of Salem and Nineveh, mark the 2017 eclipse and the eclipse
Monday, April 8 (separated by 7 years) with the potential to be a prophetic sign — especially
when you consider that the eclipse coincided with the rare appearance of the comet 12P/Prons-Brooks,
which is called the “Devil Comet” because it appears to have devil horns.
Not only that! The Devil Comet also joined the 7 planets overhead during
the eclipse in their near perfect alignment in the eclipse-darkened sky on April 8.
Was all of this a wake-up call from God?
Pastor Parsley wants to prepare you and your family for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and help you
understand its signs and symbols accordingly — so he has prepared several important prophecy
resources for you! Just request them as you support our soul-winning Gospel ministry with your generous
seed-faith gift now.
As you sow generously today, be sure to request …
- Pastor Parsley’s message Signs in the Sky, a faith-building look at the way the heavens
reveal the glory of God.
- An easy-to understand eclipse chart that shows you the intersection of the 2017 and 2024 eclipses and
how their occurrence can be interpreted in the light of Bible prophecy.
Sow $70 or more and receive …
- Signs in the Sky
- The Signs in the Sky Eclipse Chart
- Pastor Parsley’s powerful book providing additional detail concerning God’s tendency to
encode symbols in the heavens and their timelines related to biblical prophecy, Divine Encounter:
Celebrating God’s Calendar, Celestial Clues, and the Culmination of Creation.
- I Know When Jesus Is Coming Back, a prophecy message from Pastor Parsley on CD and DVD.
- His book Idolatry in America, which shows how Americans have displaced God with devotion to idols
and how we can call a generation to repentance.