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Horror in Africa
But you can ease their suffering
Deep poverty ... Extreme drought ... Weak harvests ... New violence....
Three years of conflict, climate shock and a collapsing economy in South Sudan have placed 8 million people in need of humanitarian assistance — over half of them children.
An estimated 42 percent of South Sudan's population — nearly 5 million people — are suffering from severe food shortages. That number is projected to increase to 5.5 million this year.
Please help keep children and families alive — Give generously to help us rush emergency food.
Every $24 you give today will help us save a child from excruciating hunger and help Pastor Parsley preach the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our
television broadcast. A $48 gift will help feed a family starving in South Sudan. A $96 gift will help feed two families and save them from a life of misery.
The blessing is all YOURS when you give generously — Remember:
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and
he will reward him
for what he has done
. —Proverbs 19:17
The children and families of South Sudan are suffering horribly. Please help us keep them from starving ... give generously so we can provide life-saving food now!
YES, Pastor Parsley!
I want to help provide emergency food and other help to the people of South Sudan as you continue preaching the Gospel to a lost and hurting world through our
Here is my gift of $24 to help feed a child in South Sudan.
Here is my gift of $48 to help feed a family in South Sudan.
Here is my gift of $96 to help feed 2 families in South Sudan.
Here is my gift of $240 to help feed 5 families in South Sudan.
Here is my best love gift to help as much as possible.
Please select an option above.
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