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NO! to the Freedom of Choice Act
YES! to the Right to LIFE

The latest attempts by a liberal faction in Congress to undermine the American people and degrade the sanctity of life will not go unchecked. We will not, and cannot, stand idly by while liberal officials try to re-introduce the legal practice of partial-birth abortion and strip the most innocent members of society of their right to life. We must fervently work to uphold the ban on partial-birth abortion by striking down the so-called “Freedom of Choice Act” (S. 1173/H.R. 1964). Please read the Center for Moral Clarity’s Petition For Life below, then complete the form to electronically add your name. Your petition will be delivered to your senators and representative in Washington, D.C., along with thousands of others for maximum impact. We must help to save the lives of innocent babies. We must speak for those who have no voice!


All Members of the United States Senate
All Members of the Unites States House of Representatives

As a life-honoring, God-fearing citizen, I boldly and firmly stand against the so-called Freedom of Choice Act currently before Congress. The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled on the side of life and upheld the law Congress passed in 2003 to ban on partial-birth abortion. I petition you to stand your ground in the battle for life and do not override the will of the people you represent or attempt to side-step the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court. The brutal practice of partial-birth abortion has no place in the United States of America. Please do not allow the murder of babies to continue unchecked. I urge you today as my elected official: strike down this unconscionable bill and uphold the sanctity of life.

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