Pastor Rod Parsley
As Elders of World Harvest Church, I don’t believe we’ve ever come to you but, this coming Sunday is a momentous occasion for the visionary of this worldwide ministry – Pastor Rod Parsley – as this year, he celebrates 40 years of public Gospel ministry. And, we are taking this opportunity to honor him on Pastor Appreciation Day, this coming Sunday, October 12.

We don’t often take the time to truly recognize this tremendous gift of God that we are privileged to serve. In the words of the late Dr. Oral Roberts regarding Pastor Parsley, God only sends a unique preaching and ministry gift such as this into the earth approximately once every 500 years. We couldn’t agree more – there’s no better pastor, preacher, teacher, husband, father and friend! Pastor Parsley’s influence has made an eternal impact on each member in our families’ lives over the numerous years we’ve been a part of this ministry – and we know the same is true for so many of you!

So we are celebrating this anointed gift of God in a very special way that we haven’t been able to do in over ten years this Sunday, October 12. It is with overwhelming love and gratitude that we will receive a Pastor Appreciation love offering to bless Pastor Parsley for his faithful leadership and sacrificial service to us over the years.

Not only is this a milestone year in ministry, this weekend also marks Pastor and Joni’s 28th wedding anniversary. We couldn’t be more proud to serve with this couple who hold dear the sanctity of marriage and celebrate Christian family values. It is only fitting for us to commemorate these two joyous occasions in this manner! Therefore, we are planning a wonderful tribute to both them in our morning worship service this Sunday.

The size of the gift is less important than your encouragement in expressing your appreciation for what God has done in your life through the ministry of Pastor Rod and Mrs. Joni Parsley.

So please take a moment and express your appreciation for every time Pastor Parsley ministered a comforting word to you, for every prayer he’s ever prayed that you did or didn’t know anything about, and for the privilege of receiving from one of God’s great generals of this generation.

We trust that Pastor Rod and Joni Parsley have been an extraordinary blessing to you, and we are pleased to give you this opportunity to express your love for them as part of our celebration of them this Sunday, October 12.

God Bless You!

The Elders of World Harvest Church

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