Pastor Rod Parsley

Pastor Rod Parsley wants to pray for you!

Thank you so much for joining us at Dominion Camp Meeting 2016. The Spirit of God is moving in a mighty way and lives are being changed as the Word of God is brought forth in demonstration and power.

 “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” - Isaiah 65:24
We know that our God hears us, and that when we call, He will answer!  Pastor Parsley would love to call out to God with you for all those things which are concerning to your heart.
Submit your prayer requests using the form below, and Pastor Parsley and the Breakthrough Prayer Warriors will touch in agreement with you for your requests, lifting you, your requests, your friends, your family, your church, and anything else that may be on your heart up to the Lord who is our healer, our provider, our Father, and our greatest friend.

Please complete the form below:

Prayer / Praise Submission
Prayer or Praise:
Prayer Text:  

Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is a ministry of Bridge of Hope and World Harvest Church, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, United States. All gifts and donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. You will receive a receipt via mail and email once your transaction has been processed.

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